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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Relationship Advice from the 1940's: Dating Do's and Don'ts DVD (1949)
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Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Monday, October 25, 2010
How to get more power and choice with women part 2
Dear SwingCat
I'm in a mess up situation I am Mann.Brach with my ex.Then did as you
recommended (ignored the other chicks you went, together with my life,) and later
Copy with her found myself at night in your room:) .Aber I don't I
You think I again durcheinander.Sie started me wondering what to do with a guy who you "really"
"like" the visit in 2 weeks might I tried being said about him fun to make,
"ha, he could serve us eat while we're on vacation" but thats you more
angry and we ended up with a Kampf.Sie said to me when tightened is
Perhaps is very einsam.Wir fought I screamed and links.
I don't know now...What do we men if we of sort creates attraction but
are asked to advise on other guys?
Thanks Swinggcat,
A from Detroit
Swinggcat responds:
Listen to my Man...move R me!
You're much too much importance put on this girl.
Funny friend make works about your only within
the context really don't give a S what
She know denkt.Aber, you still may.
Listen to try, your consent to receive man auf.Verschieben
... This girl seems, twisted and sick in the
Kopf.Sie are better than that.
Dating advice for men: A key attribute for seductive women
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How to get more power & choice with women part 3
Awesome book Dude... I am a fan... I had already read one friend's copy... say orders thoughtful & dewasa large investment of your time to is put to paper. Worth Geld.Ich have read almost every book out there...Yours is the hard core actual useful.... good work field in the top 5%...I ' ll be inline, if part 2 tun.Dies actionable material..., that a guy could read & do same day.
Thank you very much
F from California
Swinggcat responds:
I'm glad that you get a lot of use from my book - that gives me a real Nervenkitzel.Wenn the book like will you be blown away by Thesoon-to-be-released audio course.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Raquette - the most powerful archetype of seducer
Question from reader:
Hey Swinggcat
This is Tomi.I ' ve mailed you a couple times about how sweet your book is and I got a question about something that really confuses me BUT I ' ll tell you what has been working with me so far and how I'm doing. So I ' ll just lay it all out right now.
I'm at chapter 11: push-pull. In the past few months I can definitely say my comfort zone has increased, and I honestly thought it would never ever happen this way, I still got a ways to go but I can see the improvement, I'm making progress.
I'm building on my character and becoming who I want to become, who I ' ve always been but couldn ' t show.This gives me confidence leading to a stronger reality and I really am the seeing what you meant in one of your quotes, "the correlation between a woman's looks and how she reacts to you is as strong as a 6 yr old girl". This makes me laugh because in many cases it's true too: P.
I know I'm non reactive, and it's just so much easier being this way because it allows you to think and builds prizability. I'm still working on my meta-intent, I'm really not what sure I want a girl it's just that there's so many directions I could go.
Anyways as you read I'm on the push - pull part of the book, I started part 3 about a week ago and I like:)But one bit I couldn 't understand what' the Coquette 'and' the rake '.You said the Coquette what the embodiment of the push, but instead of pushing women away, it pulls them in. It what right after the part talking about the push so I'm assuming its meant to be a push, but it also pulls woman in.I'm confused, I'm really having trouble differentiating the push between the coquette.
-Tomi from Ontario
Swinggcat's response:
Congrats on increasing your comfort zone.You and I know this is a result of doing the exercises from Chapter 2.
Funny side story: when I was a kid, my mom coaxed me into going to a therapist to "cope" with my shyness.
He fed me some psychobabble about how your personality is cut in stone by the ripe age of seven. He told me, "If you're shy, you're of always gonna be shy... and there's nothing you can do about it... the key is to learn to accept it."
Anyone who's done the exercises from Chapter 2 knows that this is a bunch of b.s..
"I'm building on my character and becoming who I want to become, who I ' ve always been but couldn ' t show."
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that this is a result of reading Chapter 1: developing the attributes of men women respond to as the prize.
As you know, developing these attributes transforms you into the man you've always wanted to be but couldn' t.
"I really on the seeing what you meant in one of your quotes," reacts to you is the correlation between a woman's looks and how she as strong as a 6 yr old girl ".""This makes me laugh because in many cases it's true too: P."
Yes. So many guys think their looks prevent them from getting the girl of their dreams. Before approaching a girl, they think, "How do my looks measure up to hers?"
"If my looks fall short of hers," they believe "I ' ll get a bad reaction."
But this isn ' t true.I ' ve met 200 lb.females with more facial hair than a teenage boy sport egos the size of a hot air balloon.On the other hand, I know models with the confidence of a battered dog.
More importantly, your looks play only a small factor in determining how a woman reacts to you.
Your confidence, social awareness and skill at attracting women are much more important.
"One bit I couldn 't understand what' the Coquette 'and' the rake '."You said the Coquette what the embodiment of the push, but instead of pushing women away, it pulls them in.It what right after the part talking about the push so I'm assuming its meant to be a push, but it also pulls woman in."I'm confused, I'm really having trouble differentiating the push between the coquette."
The coquette and the rake are classic seducer archetypes.Each one embodies half of push-pull.
The coquette intoxicates women by taking a step backward. Attention power lies in his ability to briefly withdraw his his and interest from women, his lack of need to appease them, his self-reliance, and his willingness criticize their flaws.
While he proactively pushes them away, he ends up pulling them in. Put better, by pushing them away, he sparks sexual tension and compels them to win him over. (I hope this answers your question.)
A big part of coquetting is being nonreactive.
Most men think acting nonreactive is keeping your emotions in check when women tease, test, challenge, or flake on you.
That's part of it.
Here's another part...
Have you ever laughed at a woman's joke you didn't ' get or find funny?
Why did you do it?
Maybe you didn't ' t wanna look like an idiot.
Maybe you felt bad for her.
Maybe you feared breaking rapport.
Maybe you wanted her to like you.
Believe it or not, the coquette wouldn ' t laugh.
This may seem a bit harsh.
But when you laugh at a woman's unfunny joke you're attempting to get her validation.
Or, even worse, flattering her in a way that comes across with the sincerity of a used car salesman.
This reactive response might work for the moment but over the long haul, it nail files your Prizability down flat.
By the coquette acting nonreactive, the girl feels emotionally driven to make him laugh.In other words, she struggles to get his validation, transforming him into a prize she wants win over.
Should you refrain from laughing funny even when you find a joke?
Yuck.Sooner than later, women will be onto your mind game and then they ' ll find about as appealing as a dingle berry you.
This only scratches the surface of acting nonreactive around women.If you want to master the in ins and outs of acting nonreactive around women, get yourself a copy of real world seduction 2.0.
The rake is the embodiment of the pull.
According to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl young, everyone carries around a shadow.This is the side of them repressed by society.A big part of a woman's shadow is sexual desire.
Alas, society looks down upon them from fully expressing their sexual desire loose women and throttles.This makes their shadow grow bigger and causes to internal strife to keep the shadow sawed up inside or to let it out.
The rake is a master at cajoling women into letting their shadow out.He does this through giving women validation and attention.Power they have on him read his in letting women know the sexual affect.
At first, women may resist, feign disgust, or J'accuse him of being a Lech.But album this makes them feel sexy.Sooner than later, they let their shadow out.
The most powerful seducers are what I call raquettes.
The raquette is a highbred: rake, helped helped coquette.He is an expert at push-pull: pushes helped the time he women away; the other, he pulls them in.
This cocktail of pushes and pulls fills a woman head-to-toe with sexual tension, giving you the power to take the choose interaction in the direction you.
Go here to become a master raquette and receive other powerful seduction tips.
Dateable: Are You? Are They?
Price: $14.99
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Never to women's self-interest appeal their gratitude...
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Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction
Hey, my name is K. and I'm 19. I started reading your material bout a month ago. I was always a good looking guy but I was never successful with women because I never knew how to interact with them or how to create attraction...After reading your material I was a CHANGED MAN. THANK YOU....
Using your techniques I met this hot girl at a party (redhead, sexy bod, nice breasts, awesome personality, 6'0) a F-ing hotty at its best. I teased her the entire night. When talking to her I charmed her friend, INSTEAD of her and teased her right in front of her friend, which got her very interested....At the end of thenight I easily got her #.
Called her a few nights later and then we went out. On the first date
I used:
-massive prizability techniques-the "point system" telling her she lost and won points for certain things. This got a very good reaction-showed interest in her then completely ignored her at times These mixed messages also got her very intrigued-gave her compliments then quickly teased her about something. -lots of cold reading. Cold reading gets such a GOOD reaction with women...they become so interested in hearing what you have to say about them.
So the date ended, and I didn't call her after the date. In fact, SHE CALLED ME 4 days later after I didn't call her...she was clearly chasin me because she saw me as the prize. I told her that I didn't call her because she smokes which I didn't like (which was a lie) and I said to her that Id give her "another chance"....which she thought to herself "who the F is this guy" (which she told me) but got her VERY interested.
So we had a 2nd date, went over well, and i ended up at her house....we made out, got really intense on the foreplay then itold her I had to leave..............and left. This girl is soooo wild, I can't even write it out...
3rd date will be a charm.
Thanks for the material you've published....I'm a diff person cause of it, not just with women but with people in general. Once again,thank you. It's amazing how easy it is to win women now, and how easy it is to tell what they want.
K - Washington
Swinggcat responds:
Great job bro. You're well on your way to becoming...Darth Vader. Just play'n.
You've really put into use many of the attraction techniques and concepts in my book: Push-Pull, Prizability, Prizing, Open Loops, Tension Loops, Cold Reading, Point System...and so on. You get my highest rating: an A-.
"I was always a good looking guy but I was never successful with women because I never knew how to interact with them or how to create attraction."
There's no denying it, looks can help. But the most important element, by far, is mastering the necessary skills to generateATTRACTION in women.
I know many "conventionally" good looking guys who can't ATTRACT women...even if their life depended on it. Likewise, some of myfriends are butt ugly yet endowed with the opposite problem most men have: so many attractive women want to sleep with them thatthey are always struggling to squeeze in a few minutes of alone time. Imagine that: Having so many women in your life that you lookforward to and covet a Saturday night alone.
Some people - especially those who've not yet studied my book - might misconstrue the techniques you used as mean and manipulative.Trying to win a woman over by doing "conventionally" nice things for her (think, for example, of buying her dinners, listening to her problems...and so on) is, ironically, more manipulative and a heck of a lot less effective than the techniques you used.
A basic law of persuasion is to always appeal to people's self-interest, never their gratitude. Put simply, goading a womanto feel thankful or guilty or that she owes you for all of the things you've done for her will NEVER generate ANY ATTRACTION in her. Many a woman will, in fact, feel that you're trying to manipulate her.
You, however, used techniques appealing to this woman's self-interest. I'm willing to go out on a limb that this woman would have felt less comfort and trust with you if you had tried to win her over by appealing to her gratitude.
Also, a man trying to generate attraction in a woman by appealing to her gratitude will come across as needy and smothering.
When you, instead, appeal to their self-interest, like you did, it creates a space, allowing them to feel attraction toward you and chase you all on their own.
Let's look at some examples of how you did this:
"I teased her the entire night. When talking to her I charmed her friend, INSTEAD of her and teased her right in front of her friend, which got her very interested....At the end of the night I easily got her #."
This is great! I'm sure there are some guys reading this, thinking, "What the F! If you tease and make fun of her, you risk messing up your chances with her."
Although counterintuitive, this couldn't be further from the truth. The more you worry about messing up your chances with a girl, the more likely you are to mess up your chances with her.
Most of the time women think men are interested in them. When you intentionally act in ways that undermine your interest in a woman - such as, teasing her - it plants a seed of doubt in her mind, making her think: "maybe he isn't interested."
One of the quickest ways a man can generate attraction with a woman is by not showing any attachment, worry or care about his intendedoutcome with her while simultaneously letting her know that he believes she is massively attracted to him. I suspect you conveyedthis through teasing her. Not in a mean, insulting way, conveying that you have a penchant for freelance dentistry, making her feel like you're on the cusp of pulling her teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers.
You teased her, instead, playfully, letting her know that you know how much she likes you and conveying that you could care less ifanything ensues.
When you tease a woman in this way the subtext is that you are the Prize she is trying to win over. She is chasing you. There is moreto gain for her than for you. You are appealing to her self-interest, not her gratitude.
You charmed and flirted with her friend while she was present and it increased the attraction - good for you.
Some women claim to be turned off by this. In my experience, however, women are attracted to men that are desired by other women. I can think of heaps of situations where a woman'sattraction toward me grew exponentially as she watched other women, charmed by my presence, vie for my attention.
"So the date ended, and I didn't call her after the date. In fact, SHE CALLED ME 4 days later after I didn't call her...she wasclearly chasin me because she saw me as the prize. I told her that I didn't call her because she smokes which I didn't like (which was a lie) and I said to her that I'd give her "another chance"....which she thought to herself "who the F is this guy" (which she told me) but got her VERY interested."
Good stuff. Did you not call her because you earnestly didn't think of calling her, or were you playing hard to get? If I feel likecalling a girl I just met, I call her ASAP. Am I risking her knowing that I dig her? Yes...but who cares? Women aren't turned off by men liking them. They are turned off by men attached to the outcome of getting together with them. This is called "neediness."
Telling her that you didn't call her because she smokes was a lie. Some women will see through this, exposing your attachment to theoutcome.
If you want to take your attraction skills a step further, sit down, get out a piece of paper, and take a few moments to come upwith what your standards and expectations with women are. Don't just come up with deal breakers. Think of all the annoying things women do that you are willing to tolerate if they have other qualities you like. The next time a woman does something that is annoying but you're willing to make an exception, tell her. You'll get a lot ofmileage out of this gem. If you don't get why this is powerful you need to reread my book.
"So we had a 2nd date, went over well, and i ended up at her house....we made out, got really intense on the foreplay then i told her I had to leave..............and left. This girl is soooo wild, I can't even write it out..."
Very nice! I do this too. Give a woman tremendous pleasure...but incompletely, leaving her wanting more.
Women are hit on all the time - especially if they're attractive. Looks, money, and fame sometimes appeal to women's self-interest...but usually it's short lived.
Fact: Some poor, fat, old, bald and ugly men attract heaps of gorgeous women...and these women find it in their self-interest to be with these men. Why?Because these men have mastered the underlying mechanisms for generating massive attraction in women.
What would life be like if you really had the necessary attraction skills to make beautiful women feel it's in their self-interest tobe with you?
Do you think it's possible?
I know it's possible and within your reach. Because I've made it my reality and I've taught others of all shapes and forms, coming fromall walks of life, making it a reality for them. Join the fun and make this a part of your reality too by allowing me to step-by-step spoon-feed you the tools you need to become the guy women can't get enough of. Download my book today.
Real World Seduction
Your Loyal Dating Coach,
"Dr. of Attraction"
P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share, or a question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at:
Include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.
This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to this email, because I won't get it! Thanks!
Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved.
Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of Superior Living Inc.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A secret method for turning bratty behavior in Gletscherflöhe attraction...
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Saturday, October 9, 2010
A mistake almost all men have... And some men know an attraction secret...
If you don't play for slightly different try what you currently do with women to listen to right read on now.Go is letter for the narrow-minded weg.Dieser.
Aber...Wenn you are looking for something new, are in luck, because in a minute... the I you a secret will attract women reveal almost nobody knows... and it's a great way to learn it will increase your current success with women by 400%.
Actually I would be shocked if you know that this mystery.
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Some think bottled water is spelled backwards gesund.Aber Evian, one of the most popular brands of bottled water naive.
There's also a misconception about most men have attract women...
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
How: A woman's phone number to get... The right way...
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The secret to getting what you want by women...
A few weeks ago I Trey Parker's film saw "Team America: world police." The whole film by puppet dolls.You might be scratching your head, questions: "What in the world puppet dolls have nothing with increasing to do my success with women?"As you read on their importance is probably harder than down beat a rating of frying of Pan-bi * TCH-slapping you towards the middle of your forehead.
Before I go any further, I have two questions for you:
1. Do you realistically what kind of success with women?
(2) If no one hear or judgments observed, what kind of success you fantasize about that with women?
If you answered seriously both questions, I am willing to bet, came up with two very different Antworten.Die second question reflects what you really want to while reflecting the first question, what you want has programmed society, minus many wish you (1) believe, you will not do with, or experience, and (2) feel, for the request.
Cultural programming starts at the time the we from the womb pop.Whether from family or friends, TV or newspapers there... all ofthe above or something completely different, we are conditioned to believe certain wishes not available sind.Fast every man at some point in his life who believed that due to its, such as weight, height, age, education level, sees, social status, financial success... and so on, he was not able was on success with certain types of women he wished.In his reality, it was not possible.
A lot of people are in addition to feel culturally conditioned shame for branded desiring for example, one-night stands, no-strings attached sex women ten years younger or more Threesomes... and so on, will you out of fear, as player, pimp or sleazy lounge lizard.
Some guys are even sabotage a situation where a beautiful woman massive attracted to you is, all because you think you don't deserve it.
You are probably to prevent any form of social programming to your current success with women. As a puppet master a puppet pulls the strings, control what it does is our cultural programming our strings, determine our fate.
I will share with you something these strings sever has helped me, allowing me break from negative cultural, programming and, therefore, something is my success with Frauen.Dieses exploding what I call: "finding your selfish Zen."
Buddhists strive Zen, an enlightened State of complete detachment from worldly desires and self worth to achieve. I had similar efforts in school, but I gave to a childhood desire it to me clean. As I remember teens me my father back issues of Playboy Magazine consider to think: "I want with bunch of Centerfolds to not sleep because you are Mother Theresa incarnate but because you are super hot and bundle of the debauching mirth look."As time went on, this desire not low tide; instead it remained in my loins. When I was at the grocery store, dog parks, beach club, bar... or where ever and a desirable woman discovered that put on "the Jumbo in my Mojo," to borrow, to an idiom from Austin Powers, I wanted to sleep with her, and then there.No strings attached. Norelationship.I wanted to express Roman Emperor style.Superficial, glib, licentious, lascivious, indecent, lascivious, are not the right words, but you are the first to come in the collective sense of our culture.
Live in this request, on the one hand, inspires me.On the other hand, it was the Ember in me I was difficult to delete.
The dispute within me ended the day, I found my selfish Zen.I realized it no matter which I wanted to live a Fantasie.War it superficial? Ja.War it a result of to much exposure to media, air conditioning me out when I somewhat ejaculate to lust after long legs Brunettes and busty blondes? I know not, wahrscheinlich.War it somewhat biologically hard wired in me? vielleicht.Was my silly little desire a one-way ticket to live long lives luck?Probably not.
The point is: you can express your wishes, without rules play by companies.You can have your cake and eat it too.
Am I against the traditional relationships with women?Ever nicht.Es were actually times in my life where I was looking for and traditional relationships have enjoyed.
The problem, but I'm trying to go home is: go after what you want with no excuses.
This is in fact one of the BIG KEYS have great success with women.
One thing I talk much is a strong intention having the congruent is:
(1) Have the desire and the will to do, what must be done to achieve a specific result.
(2) We have the unshakable faith that you will reach not only your intended result, but it is permitted to obtain.
Even a smattering of doubt have guilt or shame on your goals and desires drops your success with women significantly.
In my book learn and master the necessary skills and understanding for the commit even doubt, guilt or shame, so that you have a powerful intention to entwickeln.Wenn this with the hundreds of real-world combining, that it is inevitable, discover secrets in my book field tested, easy-to-master that Yoursuccess women will exponentially Ballon.Viele other dating experts will tell you: "If you rich not good-looking famous or lumbered with an elephant that are size root between your legs, have little chance success with women you really want and therefore are better off, goes for someone in your League."This is Mist.Diese people are so bad cultural programming steeped, which not even funny think pay you much longer much able computer.ensure for a second, how much will increase your success with women, once the skills you out of Everysmidgen of doubts, guilt and shame to nothing short of your imagination, Bypicking haben.Verdienen clean mastered today a copy of real world seduction limits your options with women.
' Till next time
PS - have a success story that share you want to or a question that you would like or a comment, you want to make, please email me to:
Include the fist letter of your first and last Namen.Und the country, state/province and city, in life.
This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure just press this email "Reply", not because I can't get it!
Thank you very much!
Copyright 2004 superior living Inc.all rights vorbehalten.Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of superior living Inc.
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In Secrets of The “A” Game, you’ll learn that every shy, self-conscious, or heartbroken guy can meet and attract beautiful women, no matter what you look like or how much money you make. The “A” Game provides you with all of the tools you need to make it happen. If you want to learn the secrets of sexual persuasion so you can approach anyone, build rapport and create instant attraction, The “A” Game was written for you.
The A Game willâ?¦
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The book’s first half provides all of the foundations to develop yourself into the kind of guy women find irresistible.
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The book’s second half is pure technique – a five-step approach to meeting and attracting women anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
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History of the BMW 3 series - buyers
BMW 3 series are popular all over the world, car, and BMW was the automobile industry giants. 3 Brief history of the series is as follows.
1600-2002-1966, 1976
BMW start small family was determined and faced almost 1500 years of bankruptcy, saloon, 1600 delivers 2002 series will prove successful German car maker has its own automatic legend. Could reach the BMW 1600 km/h 13 seconds, and BMW 2002 Turbo was first European Turbo charging power plant.
Thousands of 1600, 2002 series 1976-rolls off production line for its collapse what followed only the automotive world is amazing also BMW will not!
BMW 3 series - 1976 to 1982
What after the rewrite rule compact saloon BMW 3 series, was the car. 1.6 And 1... Only 8 liter engine and initial model became a lively drive weight 1000 kgs on thanks to was guaranteed.
Was powered by four-cylinder engine gives release model BMW 320i 125bhp independence.
1977 Frankfurt Motor Show in the first six-cylinder engine BMW 323i release was. Produces a 6-cylinder 143 bhp, with the help of-the-art contributed 21 MPG average electronics, provided. BMW car success amazed, close to 1982, more than 10000 BMW 3 series, plants were shipped.
BMW 3 series - 1983, 1990
Far behind in the segment of the second generation of BMW 3 series other car and left. It increases, the lighter interior space than a wide range of more powerful than first generation engine.
Inline 6 cylinder 2. 5-Liter unit is 171 bhp-just 50 bhp, 2008 develop BMW 325i 2 door coupe less than 135 miles was capable.
BMW is the very first time M-3 series-BMW M3 to clarify when coming at Frankfurt Motor Show in 1985 it was.
Number car driver M3 of established reputation as a manufacturer of single BMW's! all car single Touring Car Championship, World won in the second half of the 1980s.
Only generated during production of second generation is 2000000 units.
BMW 3 series 1998-1990
Third-generation BMW 3 has proven a huge seller Munich based another series of automobile manufacturers. Saw a massive improvement of the latest design, such as the development of design engineering and chassis, rear axle Setup Z.
Washed array of body styles, touring estate, 4-door, convertible Coupe-rebadged two door models. The new body of fresh was M3 real expectations, hardcore.
BMW's old 286 bhp 2... Production support of the 5 liter, high speed 3-liter six-cylinder and doesn't disappoint. In 1995, the evolution of M3, 321 bhp large-scale production 3... 5 Two-liter six-cylinder engine is produced,... 4-Second 0-60 miles to grant.
May be lacking this cubic meters race pedigree, the original was a buyer hits. 2 7 3 Series sold 3 g more than million and 70 000 of these M3s was.
BMW 3 series - 5, 1998
This generation of 3 feet of the entire series of 12 cm and boasts more than the original model in the previous generation, 300 build a fourth-generation as evidence of more than one million sold BMW 3 series, has been a massive success.
Fourth-generation BMW 3 series, BMW 330 184bhp and was to prove to the world diesel power d to provide more than 40 mpg. In addition, 320 d 2 liter maximum sales vehicles within the 150 bhp engine BMW became.
Fourth-generation BMW M3 is 0-60 miles is a development 3 give fast 155 miles 343 bhp in the top 5 seconds... 2-Liter straight became 6 units.
In the BMW 3 Series - 2005 dated
In 2005, BMW 3 series engine to fifth generation announced diesel and petrol on a new line and improve processing. With twin turbo changer ?????_???? 3 liters, while impressive 286 bhp to put to the new 3 litre provides unit 272 bhp.
Built from the latest generation cubic meter aluminum, V8 power-is produced at the plant.
The result is a 420 bhp and 0-62 this making the fastest, most powerful production M3 until just 4... In 8 seconds per hour.
BMW 3 series since 1975 100000 units are sold, and most to and seeking did sports saloon and coupe, whole earth!, looking to buy BMW's 3 series [ please visit and view a large selection for BMW 3 series sale shop.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
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Saturday, October 2, 2010
2007 BMW 130i Coupe
One can always rely on BMW was surprised it is always, is the capacity. Only, I think they have tags as the ultimate big, luxurious fast cars, and along the 2007 off BMW 130i Coupe course to come only to throw.
Come out hot hatch opposed to BMW introduced a hatchback model with BMW Volkswagen, Ford, Fiat like a revelation to buy cars automakers last saw the public was. Not, however, only the BMW 130i these established manufacturers, doing than they load their own holding. It was while providing fuel economy powerful too.
I'm ready now, 2007 with the introduction of the model all BMW 130i delighted once again, especially it new lineup of features to.
Fuel economy
Use the absorbed glass mat battery control brake energy regeneration, intelligent alternator with behavior is one of the main features of the BMW 130i Coupe. Reuse and a combination of these three features using another one using it, lost energy car it can save fuel.
Rather than another BMW130i Coupe energy conserving a conventional hydraulic method is by using the electric power steering. What to do this really need cars you can-for example, a corner only valid when Steering uses. Here, save to save energy fuel use, better it is.
As the above features, new 2007 BMW 130i Coupe and too many technical adjustments will be this year's model. Due to new engine variants with a model, the $ 500 is now you can save the annual fuel cost of crab (if the average annual drive 12,000 miles).
BMW's legendary dynamic traction control and binding controls, and add this new dynamic stability in BMW 130i is only one most comfortable driving a car is not, moreover, one of the most secure method. Rear wheel drive similar to thank, 50/50 heavy amount of distribution, is it enjoying vehicles.
What is 130i extra as, and other models in the range of the BMW 1 different pasted genus Hill Start Assistant, soft brake Pre-tensioning, brake drying, brake fade compensation and safety stop is at times all paramount, as well as a fantastic performance.
2007 One not leveling BMW 130i Coupe in things that are design issues. It intensely cool is a good car and without a doubt, stands out.
Poison apart from kidney grille, front of the car is large, and to improve airflow to the engine, add it, giving the car looks. Made in one or both front and rear spoilers also redesigned, and BMW stable than 130 brilliant companion are looking at right now.
How to run a car, of course, everyone wants know is here 2007 BMW 130i Coupe disappointment and not. Fact that competitors BMW compared from cars, or match is.
265. 00 In torque over weight bar, join 315. 00 am and Mexico, 310 i go 0-60 miles from only 5 minutes... In 9 seconds. 155. 4 Miles can easily access to set restrictions for speed also small vehicles is impressive in.
You can find in perhaps is not surprising distance purring 3-liter six-cylinder engine, look under the hood, and always prepares when you most need the speed boost. Each cylinder to 4-valve with 24 valves is impressive in it is like a smooth performance.
All small Extras if it is not enough, 130 i giving is the icing on the cake. USB port on your iPod or MP3 player, steering wheel all controls, you can play your favorite songs.
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BMW lighting
Many different color that corresponds to the Xenon lamp, the brightness of the light bulb. Differs from M3 CSL engine, M3 to different camshaft, carbon fiber intake manifold and Alpha N engine management. However, the need to improve how the other components in the BMW enough to address all of its upgraded horsepower problem is equally important. Look at the new internal wait for fine wood interior BMW 3 series, some astonishment is to cubic meters reduced immediately recognized, perfect color and all underscore score generously the spacious vehicle interior complimenting titanium or trim, aluminum material. Using original BMW Accessories, BMW in addition many of the individual and sporty look what. Preparation for contemporary BMWs classics from the ultimate ultimate car site. Power means high accelerations, increases the superior speed, much greater stress, and brake. Driver expects more vehicles from these days. This is the last year production only 50 Coupe and 70 convertible, mighty E36 was made.
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Other M following new cubic meters V8 BMW engine is the original BMW light and compact engine to take the wheel stress, energetic characters to lower, and mode of the BMW body elected. Only but one or two parts look and vehicle performance can make a huge difference. Earn more than other models of many road races in the history of the early ing in Europe including the production of the other modes (based on the unique interior features a special chromatic and Championship victory Memorial evolution model scheme), Ravaglia Cecotto, and Europameister.Production, exit the former E30 M3 E30 M3 is considered many people are most successful in the world road race car.
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Friday, October 1, 2010
Better to focus on innovative design: 2006 BMW 3 series
BMW, otherwise the new 3 series, Chris zippy Bangle most welcome to soften the angle design language will tell. See the cars are existing car model, energetic is not trying to re-invent the goodness that match most BMW models unarguably dynamics driving leading ground evolution.
We carrier trunk lid and remove the current tear headlamp noticed first car away. It is an aggressive mix of Catherine go sideways and a concave and convex Panel. Still recognizably a it's BMW. To put the new under big news (borrowed from the 5 series), large independence of unmatched comfort to join designed is. On top of it (the adjustable anti-roll bar) you can expect as an option, dynamic drive, active assisting (TM), four-wheel drive system. 5Th shines brighter than predecessor-loving generation BMW 3 series Super Star torque, direct injection, environment-friendly engine. Hybrid rule is still not-the will to catch up to the Lexus 2009 BMW Germany enabling, fruit, Daimler Chrysler and GM Alliance was born in. In addition to the new 3 series features passenger room and enhances safety.
You'll find atmosphere instinctive step 2006 BMW 3 series cabins in the Interior is; all switches and read for ergonomic reasons, where are placed. Material surrounding the charm of high quality wood, leather, this sports machine made from reinforced plastic. To adequately support seat also offers improved rear bottom and thighs to spirited driving, the body of waste. Arranged in an intuitive enable drivers easily read dial all and engine to contact Center view lovers spirit rewards.
You can find car designed for key and the gears turn cars, move. Is the exhilaration of smooth delivery speed. Sprinter's condition Gets the engine, like all the way up to 6800 adolescents. Real pleasure are experiencing sound of the engine. Machinery, and clean guts scream loud and gained independence from the muffler and after market accessories. Further reduce fast with an optional active assisting (TM) steering input at low speed, vehicle overall tactile response of improvement increases. 2006 BMW 3 series reduce engine weight with magnesium block engine first. New inline six-cylinder 215 horsepower 325; and produces 255 horsepower, 330 i. More breath at wire speed too low RPM is smooth for BMW engine to help you efficiently revolutionary Valvetronic (TM) systems. Find the open road to experience completely, then press the accelerator key.
In terms of handling and cornering, 2006 BMW 3 series is the perfect 50: 50 front rear weight distribution very sensitive to will and with limited features. Exceptional feedback to cut vehicle front, provides the thrust of the rear wheel. Heavily borrowed from the 5 series in the back of the system before the new suspension double joint aluminum control arms and independent of the five links are. Control (TM) advanced sensors, also the new 3 series features BMW's most advanced dynamic stability to monitor and to enhance the ride.
Prefer these stick shift is 6, which has been improved 2006 BMW 3 series transmission and gear speed manual, an optional six-speed automatic or six electric hydraulic sequential hand motion Gearbox (TM) (SMG) to speed up very promising three have choices. I hate like clutch pedal not manually, sporty shifting SMG, toe toes clutch traffic is a welcome relief for enthusiast drivers.
Built in 2006, add advanced intelligent safety system in the BMW 3 series passive and active safety series. Surrounding the deformation energy crew tube absorbing, strict start passive safety BMW "safety cage". Absorb impact energy extreme crash if you route around the room. Sensors, car measured the severity of the crash and if necessary, expand the airbag. 6 Airbags is one occupant injury, two front from the rest, A pillar ago the C pillar rear as part of the protection side curtain shielded from you. Designed for all BMW more rapidly than 3 s to stop during the emergency brake dynamic brake control (TM) also has been. Apply maximum braking power to brake sensor how forced to brake pedal steps to verify and, if necessary to stop the car.
First introduced 3 series 1977 as BMW's most successful models, and now accounts for 40% of all sales in the world was. Gradually the car form the loyal following. For individualism needs driver lovers in 2006 3 series nine iterations is available in: from 325 i sedan, 325 xi sedan, 325 Ci Coupe, 325 CI convertible, 325 xi sport wagon, 330 i sedan, 330 xi sedan, 330 Ci Coupe, $ 30, 900 hope ranging from $ 44, 900, 330 CI convertible. Is still not available as a hybrid BMW 3 series is the 20 mpg city 2006 average 30 mpg highway is successfully, reform the car top performers.
BMW 3 series
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How to get more power & choice with women part 1
First of all a massive thanks for this E-mail - some really good advice and information I would say worth the price of your book allein.Ich will definitely buy the book soon. It of great to know someone is which did clearly a lot of hard work and knows his stuff inside and out.Makes a nice change to the pot of Shi * t out there.
I was basically to see for a few months, I then started really as unfortunately I turned into a wuss and sent her cringe worthy email etc you say how much I liked, this girl.Has now no attraction on me at all offensichtlich.Die bad thing is, works in the same building as me, so I you avoid can. so I just want to know what kinds of things I could say, I will show you aint no WIMP, just really want to know, a lot of suffering undo as too messed up, the I erstellt.I don ' t really care if I back with your ornot end (your mate is much nicer), but you may have and I am their comrades who think weak. shock would you like to!
All comments appreciated.
M from UK
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As the attraction kill lobotomy style Self-disembowelment the part of their brain that felt attraction, you suck on it!I am sure it is a collective "I have to it above, BRO" nod from almost every guy, read this.
Say you don't want your back or your shock would you and your friends that you don't think schwach.Wenn so you continue to think that way about game, lost the battle for Sie.Sie steigen.Sie have at the top of the weak-O-meter to change your thinking.
Each plan to your and their colleagues shock is a tragic attempt to see an attempt, approval and validation - and assess as strong cause feel not schlecht.Fast every man on the planet has at some point in his life, much like you, thought: "if I could only her to see how much funny, sexy... and so on, you would be attracted to me."Here is the paradox, but: the best crack, can you, to see how much is stop trying it, so much to see bekommen.Ernsthaft...STOP IT!That, to control, by your strings dragging looks and that made puppet you, by maintaining master, you're the unknowingly, judge.
If you not mind judges more like you, but there is a good chance, you will see how attraktiv.Aber, if you picks up even a turned you care how you judge, chances you see you as attractive are slim to none.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
A dirty little pleasure, most women never to admit
I have a question for you: women enjoy being hit on - or do loathe it?
If you know in your heart of hearts women to enjoy it - perhaps even love it - you are well on your way to experience massive success with women.
If you have faith, nails women meet men on you more annoying as against a chalk board, which are be in big trouble, however.
But don't worry, my friend, because in the same position as most men.
Many a man believes women hate affected will be- and rightly so.
If you, for example, groups of women, probably have bars or discos often heard the yapping away fear and loathe about men meets you.
But if this were so, the women would wear shower curtains bars and night clubs.
But you don't.
Instead wear, scarce little outfits to maximize the amount of male attention you receive.
I'm gonna back to this line of thought in an instant.
But first I want something serious light on why women will not be affected, on how to believe hope for him is related conviction your penis of to life in prison with no possibility of Hafturlaubes.Keine ever vacation in this warm, cuddly place, he enjoys, the old digital underground song dance into the early hours of the morning "do the Humpty hump."The only love that he is gonna get Bubba's lowlands.
If this think nefarious creeps its way into a man PEAR, be it is fear of women closer prevent.
It will for example, to think to yourself: "if I have a wife to address see me as a mischievous little bugs that slip-on wants from their reality."
When it receives to the Galle, a woman, approach he is gonna over his forehead of indelible red ink have scrawled: "I am so afraid would reject me, I am delighted with my pants poop."
This will communicate to her, he is a consummate Gimp.Frauen feel no attraction for Gimps.Sie feel attraction towards people you perceive as a prize.
I think I have convinced you that it has this belief to the value of a sewer rat.
But you could be having second thoughts.
Maybe you're not entirely convinced.
So I'm gonna rewind and go back to my original thought: the believe that women will not be affected, on how is crap.
If this think always paths with the Food & Drug Administration crossed it would read with the FDA seal stamp: 100% certified b.s..
Why do you think that women spend so much time - sometimes hours - primping and preening himself go nightclubs and bars?
Because you want to hit are.
It is a school of thought, but that says: "women not dress up for men; do it for other women."
I think it is a grain of truth here but what that means is that women dress up with other women for male attention compete for male validation.
In other words, one of the reasons women place in primping and compete preening himself is for those who made the most of men.
A woman will admit never explicitly many you men meets enjoys on you.
If you did risk you had other women, you perceive that as at the top of the slut-O-meter.
Will be affected to want, is one of the women dirty little secrets.
Thinking of this stupid, gossip magazines - including Enquirer and star Magazin.Fast everyone is talking about the stupidity of these publications and claims, never one have picked up.
This is b.s..
If most people you don't read their circulation would be so widespread.
The lurid reality is this: most of us can not wait, to our dirty little paws all over these magazines are in line the supermarket.
Many of us have too much pride, admit it.
But almost all of us get picked up by our impacts and get sucked into the contents of these documents.
Same goes with Frauen.Die most women say hate when guys hit on you.
But most women love es.Sie can get enough of it.
But it'll never zugeben.Es isn't your dirty little joy you admit.
If you make no excuse for encounters a woman and give the conviction that through you meets your you do, let it know you do is with a real man is a price that has to win.
If you think women want and like to be taken are half way to massive success with women.
Go to more tips on how to get to get women.